Welcome to Tenshin

Tenshin is your personal supply of meditation and mindfulness knowledge that fist pumps all the aspects of yourself that you’re struggling with.  So you can live a life of strength, calm and readiness by not really being…well, whatever the hell “mindful” people are supposed to be.


Meditate.  Live Mindfully.  Be An Individual.


End the suffering of force-fitting mindfulness principles into your life by truly experiencing and honoring your invaluable inner struggles.  It’s not about cleaning out your “unmindful” characteristics, it’s about fitting together all the pieces of the real you.  

This is mindful living the right way - integrating the spastic, raw and utterly absurd qualities that make you awesome.  If you have a self-sabotaging mind and live in a chaotic reality, congratulations, you’re honest and self-aware enough to actually acknowledge it.  Now, let’s take things further: let’s learn how to take all the contradictions, inconsistencies and discouraging beliefs that show up in your thinking and use them to your advantage.

Mindfulness Education That Wants Nothing From You

Inspiring…in real ways.  Dynamic, highly-applicable and free mindfulness knowledge that everyone else seems to be figuring out ways to charge for.  We’ll be there to help make the process of fully “doing you” a truly awesome one.

The Briefings

You don’t need to find a quiet room in your house or (even harder) a quiet place in your mind.  These are daily 1-2 minute mindfulness hacks to aim at your busy day. Use them. Screw them up.  And realize how much screwing it up is actually crushing it. Listen on Instagram and Amazon Alexa as a Flash Briefing.

The Podcast

Each week, David and Stefan talk about how to apply meditation and mindfulness principles to the things that actually matter in your life. We address all the turbulence that you might face along the way and provide techniques and principles to face your challenges with strength, skill and [insert]. And, most importantly, how to be more of your fierce warrior self, rather than some mock up of a “calm” person that people think they need to be.

The Courses

Learn meditation and mindfulness techniques quickly and easily. It doesn’t take years of silent contemplation in the serenity of the mountains. Just listen, practice, pound your head against the wall of life, and watch insight and effectiveness come.

The Community

Post questions, talk about your challenges and get guidance that supports your growth and the awesomely awkward, frustrating and confusing experiences that come up along the way. Join weekly free live sessions that include meditations and discussions about living a mindful life that is dynamic, effective and true to your individuality.

Embrace The Storm – A Free Meditation Course.


Learn a meditation program that is so simple and effective that it works immediately, automatically and with zero effort. Involves no self-defeating aspirations of silencing the mind (because that’s impossible anyway). Work with mental chaos, discomfort, and boredom not against it. Learn how to bring the power of the meditative mind into your daily life and direct it into generating the life you want. Watch your energy, creativity, clarity and ability to handle challenges increase steadily over time as you practice. 

How To Be Mindful, The Tenshin Way.

Inspiring...in real ways.  Dynamic, highly-applicable and free mindfulness knowledge that everyone else seems to be figuring out ways to charge for.  We'll be there to help make the process of fully "doing you" a truly awesome one.

Step 1 : Don't be.

Mindfulness doesn’t accomplish anything...you do.

Claim mindfulness as a tool, not an identity.

We believe being mindful means not “being" anything but yourself. 

No costume of moods, temperaments, behaviors, and lifestyles to put on.

It’s not persona, a behavior, a lifestyle.  

You don’t need to be anything but appreciative of who you are and what you’re truly capable of.

Step 2: Screw it up.

Sure mindfulness improves your experience of life and your success in everything you do.  

But first you need to practice it, try to apply it…and screw it up.

And then get frustrated and start listing the characteristics you lack to live a calm, happy and fulfilled life.

This is a powerful place to be.

It’s a laboratory of self-understanding. 

This is where we come in: to help you master the art of being a work-in-progress.

Because we’ve been through all that.

And we’re still going through it. In process.Forever. 

Step 3: See how you’re not actually screwing it up.

Have a perfectly mindful life by embracing the challenges of living it. 

Make happiness, flow and insight spring from delusion and stagnation. 

Move backwards, repeat mistakes, fall from grace and channel it all into fuel for your personal growth.

The mindful path is one of embracing the slippery nature of the journey and the inner potential that stumbling through it can reveal.

Discover how mindfulness is not even about how well you’re doing it, but how well you’re working with what’s actually happening.

About Stefan Ravalli

Co-Founder, Author, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher

Stefan is the director of Serve Conscious, the only major online resource for implementing meditation and mindfulness principles into service-oriented work and life - he is soon to publish the only book on the subject.  Stefan left a career as a leader in the hospitality industry and traveled to the Indian Himalayas to learn how to teach meditation from Vedic masters and to Taiwan to learn a Zen tradition of mindful service.  He has since made it his mission to teach self-understanding, self-development and empowerment through a modern understanding of Eastern wisdom.  His goal is to bring the tools, techniques and principles that allow people to master themselves through meeting the most challenging avenues of life. 

About David Tian, Ph.D.

Director, Author and Coach

David Tian, Ph.D., is director of Aura Transformation and world renowned specialist in human behavior, emotional and social intelligence, masculinity, relationships, researcher, author, and global educator. As an international top personal development coach, he educates and empowers people to attain the social intelligence, competence, and confidence for success and happiness in dating, relationships, and their lifestyles. He has developed a series of solutions applicable across diverse cultures, contexts, societies, and age groups. His coaching curriculum ranges from relationships, social skills, masculinity, self-development, self-esteem, happiness, and fulfillment..

Welcome to Tenshin

Tenshin is your personal supply of meditation and mindfulness knowledge that fist pumps all the aspects of yourself that you’re struggling with.  So you can live a life of strength, calm and readiness by not really being…well, whatever the hell “mindful” people are supposed to be.


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